
2008-07-21 2:16 am
考慮讀Unionville High School或者Pierre Elliott Trudean High School.
(係Toronto/York region)
我四歲移民過去加拿大,九歲返HK. 宜家都讀緊EMI.成績係中間.

回答 (3)

2008-07-22 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
呢兩間响 Markham 區都算係好學校, 而 Pierre Elliot 比較新; 聽講佢地啲師資唔錯, 而Unionville High 出名讀美術, 如果你對美術有興趣, Unionville 係一個好選擇. 你四歲移民咗加拿大, 咁你而家係乜嘢身份? 仍然係移民定已經係公民? 如果冇身份就要申請外國學生簽証.

如果你要讀指定某一間學校, 照教育局規定係要住响嗰區, 每一間學校都有佢地嘅範圍, 如果你係嗰區嘅居民就一定入到, 但係你果要去第區讀都得, 只要你想去嗰區嘅學校批準就得. 要視乎嗰間學校有冇位. 因為佢地會照計自己區嘅學生先.

你講嗰兩間學校屬於 York Region 教育局, 唔係多倫多教育局, 係唔同嘅.

2008-07-22 22:17:09 補充:
基本上冇乜特別, 但如果你知道將來會讀乜嘅話就可以偏向你要讀嘅嘢, 如果唔知將來讀乜就揀 6-pack. 即是六科大學常要求嘅科, 英文一定, 有數學. 你入到中學就會知.
2008-07-27 2:47 pm
If you lack of confidence, you can get some art/physical education/music too pull your mark for university.

6 university credits - 2 to 4 are necessary depend on your program, others are how you pull your mark to sky. like my fd, he/she pull his/her 70% marks in english/math/science average to 85% because they got 90 in art and music.

this year in toronto, they have new plan in math.
originally, it is discret math, data management, and advanced function adn introductory calculus. not it is merge and split into - vectors+calculus, data management, and advanced functions.

Which is important for what you want to apply in future. Pre-requisite courses are another important thing to put in mind.
2008-07-21 10:33 am

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