simple and continuous present tense既文章...可以幫幫手嗎!!plx

2008-07-20 9:23 pm
Fill in the blanks with the simple or continuous present tense form of the verbs in the brackets.

"This is Patricia D'Silva reporting 'live' from the stadium on today's National Day celebrations. People from all walks of life(1)______(be) already streaming into this place to witness the events. Students from more than 12 schools in the country(2)____(stand) ready to present their cultural dances. The armed services band(3)____(take) their places on the podium, their musical instruments gleaming in the sun.
The prime minister and his wife have just come through the main entrance. He(4)____(shake) hands with many representatives of foreign missions. Now, the couple(5)____(make) their way to the front where members of the cabinet(6)____(wait) for them.
The sirens are blaring now. They(7)____(announce) the approach of the royal motorcade. The motorcade(8)_____(weave) its way past the main gates of the stadium. The prime minister(9)____(step) forward to welcome the King and Queen. The armed forces(10)____(fire) a salute to honour the King and the band strikes up the national anthem. The King walks up the dais followed by the Queen and the ceremony begins."
答案:1.are 2.stand 3.take 4. shakes 5.are making 6.are waiting 7. announce
8.weaves 9.steps
本人英文文法上好有問題....希望你們可以幫我解答一下上面為什麼用這些答覆. 幫幫我................plx

回答 (2)

2008-07-20 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.are – People is uncountable but we always use a plural verb form, such as are, were, work (not works)
all walks of life - different kinds of people in a society
2.stand - “students” is plural so we do not add “s” after “stand”
3.take - “armed services” is plural so we do not add s
4.shakes - “He” is a third person singular pronoun so we add s after shake
5.are making – “Now” is telling us something is happening, so we use continuous tense, that is “are making”. We use “are” because “the couple” means 2 persons, normally husband and wife, or boy with girl.
6.are waiting – members is plural so we use “are”.
7.announce – they is plural so we do not add s
8.weaves – motorcade is singular so we add s
9.steps – prime minister is a third person singular so we add s – arm forces is plural so we do not add s. Here fire is a verb.
參考: Myself
2008-07-20 9:55 pm

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