Gramma 問題

2008-07-20 5:59 pm
我知reported speech係咁
e.g " I am having my lunch," Mary says.
reported就係Mary said she was having her lunch.

" Your result will be sent to you on next Monday," May says.
咁如果個日係Friday,我o係 Saturday同人講係
May said my result (would) be sent to me on the following Monday.
May siad my result (will) be sent to me on the following Monday.
但send result 呢件事係未發生ga wo,咁唔係要用will咩?

e.g"The ice melts under high temperature," my teacher says.
咁佢係個fact咁個reported speech係
My teacher said that the ice melted under high temperature.
My teacher said that the ice melts under high temperature.
佢係個fact係咪要用返simple present ?

咁如果我係以另一句咁表達呢? 即係例如話第一個" Your result will be sent to you on next Monday," May says. 我唔用佢講過ge野 E.g. May said I will be informed on next Monday./May said I would be informed on next Monday. 呢個仲係咪reported speech?


仲有第2 o個個 如果我係想同人講呢件事係個fact呢? 即係"我老師話冰係高溫會熔ga"

回答 (3)

2008-07-20 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 這句要用過去式,因為說話的時間是過去,跟所轉述事情的發生時間沒關係。
May said that my result would be sent to me next Monday.(由於星期一還未到,所以原句中的next不用改寫成the following。)

2. 若轉述的事情是真理,那麼你就沿用現在式。
My teacher said that ice melts under high temperature.

3. May said that I would be informed next Monday 是轉述句(被動型)。

2008-07-21 1:43 am
1. First of all, May does not have to say 'on' next Monday.
May said / told me that my result would be sent to me the following Monday.
We change the 'will' into past tense 'would'.

2. Again, we should say 'Ice' instead of 'The ice'.
Yes, you are right. When we repeat something that is regarded as a fact, we do not have to change the verb into past tense.
2008-07-20 6:10 pm
reported speech就係重覆人地講過既野,
由於reported speech佢係一定要轉tense,證明件事發生左,所以佢係fact都好,都一樣係轉past tense,指老師講野呢件事發生左,而老師講左呢d野。

2008-07-20 10:12:58 補充:
關於第一題,同上面一樣啦,件事未發生,但係果個人講野 呢件事係發生左,reported speech只係重覆人地講過既野,所以必定要轉tense架~

2008-07-20 10:14:35 補充:
參考: 自己, 自己

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