
2008-07-20 5:50 pm

我琴晚睇職業特工嗰時睇倒字幕有呢個字, 但係又聽唔清楚佢講咩, 請問有冇人知呢個英文係咩?

應該係"有呢段字", 唔係"呢個字"


王劍老: 你係咪太過信任你嗰個"譯言堂", 連我個問題都幫我翻譯埋, 仲要翻譯得咁搞笑

回答 (9)

2008-07-20 10:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
見步行步 :
Let's see how is the situation and then plan our next action.
參考: Myself
2008-07-24 2:43 pm
見步行步----See walking step!
參考: mememe
2008-07-22 9:45 pm
見步行步=小心地辦=Act prudently/act cautiously/Act discreetly/Act with a
brain/Act after thinking thoroughly

見步行步=隨機應變=Act shrewdly according to the situation/cirumstances.
Act differently when the situation changes.
Alter how you act with the changing situation
2008-07-21 11:09 pm
Act according to situation = 見步行步 (即跟據情況來辦).

這句說話在英文來說與step是毫無關係的, 例如:
Step by step = 一步步來, 有層次地.
One step at a time = 不要未學行先學走, 搞亂次序.

No hard feeling folks, this is 知識, just discussing.
參考: Own simple knowledge
2008-07-21 12:42 am
Watch your every step.

2008-07-20 11:46 pm
do something one step at a time / step by step.
2008-07-20 8:36 pm
或許是:We'll see.
2008-07-20 6:10 pm
是我 out 了嗎?是我太老嗎?
見步行步=See an on foot step 我琴晚睇職業特工嗰時睇倒字幕有呢個字, 但係又聽唔清楚佢講咩, =My piano night Di occupation especially work?The Di pour sub-title to contain a word, but is listen to the Wu clear Ju speaking Mie again,

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