English Grammar Questions

2008-07-20 12:30 pm
1.有陣時到底係 send to me 定 send me ? 有時好多野我都要諗到底係邊個岩...

2. over here 同 come here 有咩分別? 最唔明就係個over既意思.

3. 有陣時有d字好得意, 本身已經可以係一個noun, 而加多ing又可以係noun.
到時意思係咪一樣? ( 如share同sharing )

回答 (3)

2008-07-20 9:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 這個要看句子的直接賓語(direct object)是否代名詞(pronoun)。
Please send me a postcard.
Please send a postcard to me.
Please send me that.
Please send that to me.
Please send it to me.
不會說Please send me it.

2. Over here 是指“在(說話者)這邊”,文法上是個adverb of location,要在說話和聽話者不在同一方的時候才用得著,並強調要說者和聽話者之間有距離。
Where is the book? It is over here.
若說話者只說:It's here,意思也是指書本在話者的那方,但就沒有去強調距離。
Come here是加了個動詞(Imperative,使役型),叫他人走過來。

3. Share作名詞是解作“股份”或“份兒”,而sharing則是“分享”。
I have ten shares of HSBC. (=unit of voting right)
John has had his share of good fortune. (=portion)
Sharing is beautiful.

I hear the cry of the sick. 我聽到病者的哭訴/哭求。
I hear the crying of the sick. 我聽到病者的哭聲/哭泣。

2008-07-20 1:05 pm
1. send to me 定 send me ?
Both send to me and send me have the same meaning.
Example :
Please send the file to me = Please send me the file

2. over here 同 come here 有咩分別? 最唔明就係個over既意思.
Over = on top ---- over here = on top of here (a place)
Over here – is telling the location. Example :
Question : Where is my ruler ? Answer : Over here.
I think you are confused because when someone ask you to go to his/her place, they may say either : over here, or come here.
Actually when they say over here, they are missing the word “come”, it should be come over here. But since “over here” is already clear enough to tell you where to go, so it is ok not to use “come over here”.

3. 有陣時有d字好得意, 本身已經可以係一個noun, 而加多ing又可以係noun.
到時意思係咪一樣? - No
Verb+ing = gerund = noun
Noun + ing = verb in a continuous tense.
Your example - share and sharing - there is 2 possibility :
Share = verb share+ing = sharing = gerund (noun)
Share = noun share+ing = sharing = verb in continuous tense

參考: Myself
2008-07-20 12:47 pm
1) Send to me = 傳給我
Send me = 傳我(Of course, it doesn't make sense), for example "Send a e-mail to me = 傳一封電子郵件給我, or Send me a e-mail = 傳我一封信"


2) over here. 在這裡, come here 來這裡
over 有超過的意思, overcome = 克服, 越過(鼓勵的情況下,例如, 我們可以越過這個難關).

3) 呢d要背拉. 姐係 蘋果係none, 加多個汁 都係none: 蘋果汁. 意思通常都是不同的, 不過又有相同處, 蘋果同蘋果汁係吾係唔同? 不過都係蘋果甘解
參考: Myself

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