
2008-07-20 10:38 am
坐經濟位,長途機可以在飛機上用psp or 手提dvd睇戲消磨時間嗎?

回答 (4)

2008-07-23 6:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
完全無問題架.....無論你用psp 或者手提dvd都可以......只要唔係上網睇就得架啦......同埋飛機起飛同降落的時候.....都唔可以用所有電子儀器....你唔洗驚唔知幾時用得.....幾時唔用得.....因為到時會有廣播....除左呢d之外....用notebook一樣得......我都係咁睇戲之嘛.....你記得差足電就得架啦......
2008-07-26 9:17 am
absolutely you can do it,
but airplane now have variety of movie you can choose from ar
so don't have to worry about it.
2008-07-20 11:25 am
我上次搭virgin economy飛長途,見到d人用手提dvd睇戲、又有人用notebook睇相,d空姐完全冇阻止。

其實每個economy位都有獨立電視,可以睇戲、電視節目、聽歌同打機,又有不同語言選擇,user friendly o架! 所以唔使自己帶psp or 手提dvd都可以消磨時間......

2008-07-20 03:35:13 補充:


2008-07-20 11:17 am
Sure you can turn on these 2 electronic devices on the plane no matter long
or short haul flight or what class you are in.

However, all electronic devices must be turn off e.g. during take off, landing
or taxi.

Announcement will be made by either the captain or flight attendent to
remind/inform you of this instruction.
參考: my knowledge

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