
2008-07-20 5:55 am
我想講" 唧了玻璃膠後窗檯便不會再滲水"

回答 (4)

2008-07-20 6:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It will not leak after the glass silicon glue has applied on the windowsill.
2008-07-22 6:00 am
2008-07-21 1:29 am
" 唧了玻璃膠後窗檯便不會再滲水"

After the windowsill is glued with silicon, there will be no water leakage.

2008-07-20 7:25 am
Once the glass silicone has been sealed in the windowsill, there will be no more water leakage.

2008-07-19 23:27:43 補充:
Sorry, 應該是: Once the windowsill has been sealed with the glass silicone, there will be no more water leakage. 比較清楚。

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