prefer 幾時用 to,, 幾時用ing??

2008-07-20 2:19 am
排除同rather than一齊用,,

請問幾時用to, 幾時用ing??

回答 (3)

2008-07-20 10:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
這個問題跟I like+(to-infinitive / gerund)的情況一樣,用哪一個在乎你想表達一個動作/行為(infinitive),還是一個事態(gerund)。

I like to swim. 我愛游泳。
I like to cycle. 我愛踏單車。
I prefer to swim than to cycle. 我愛游泳多於踏單車。
在以上的句子中,to sing和to dance的主語都是I。

What kind of sports do you like to watch on TV?
What are your favorite sports?
I like swimming. (因為游泳者不一定是話者,所以不可用to swim)
I like cycling.
I prefer swimming to cycling.

2008-07-20 11:49 am
Prefer + to has another usage :

I prefer apple to orange - means I like apple instead of orange.
2008-07-20 5:03 am
We can use either v-ing or to-infinitive without any difference .

You may say : I prefer staying at home / I prefer to stay at home

But , you prefer doing A to doing B
You would prefer to do something rather than do ...
You prefer to do something rather than do
參考: my knowledge

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