Loss 同 Lose/Lost 既分別

2008-07-19 7:20 pm
我想問 Loss 同 Lose/Lost 既分別

1. 意思
2. 文法
3. 用法 及 例子


回答 (4)

2008-07-19 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如:Einstein's death means a great loss to science.(愛因斯坦的死對科學是重大的損失)
如:You will lose all your money, if you indulge yourself in gambling.
The lost ring was found yesterday. (昨天找到了那遺失的戒指)
The lost child is crying. (那迷途的小孩正在大哭)


2016-12-16 4:04 am
Loss Lose
2008-07-19 8:09 pm
Lose (present tense) => lost (past tense or past participle) => loss (noun of lose)

Lost 係lose 的過去式或者過去分詞, 而 loss 係lose 的名詞。

Lose (v)

1) 失去
e.g. Carl's father lost his job last month. 卡爾的父親上個月失業了。

2) 損失(金錢)
e.g. We lost a lot of money on that deal. 我們在那筆交易上虧損了許多錢。

3) 輸掉,失敗
e.g. Cambridge lost to Oxford. 劍橋隊輸給了牛津隊。

4) 迷路
e.g. She got lost in the forest. 她在森林裡迷了路。

Loss (n)
1) 喪失;遺失
He suffered a temporary loss of memory. 他暫時喪失了記憶。

2) 損失; 虧損
It is a great loss to her. 這是她的巨大損失。

3) 輸, 失敗
The loss of the first game did not discourage them. 第一場比賽的失敗並沒有令他們沮喪。
參考: Yahoo dictionary
2008-07-19 7:57 pm
Loss (noun)

1. 喪失 , 遺失[不可數]
He suffered a temporary loss of memory.(他暫時喪失了記憶。)

2. 損失 , 虧損(額)[可數/ 不可數]
It is a great loss to her.(這是她的巨大損失。)

3. 輸 , 失敗[可數/ 不可數]
The loss of the first game did not discourage them.(第一場比賽的失敗並沒有令他們沮喪。)

Lose (verb - present tense)

1. 失 , 丟失 , 喪失
Carl's father lost his job last month.(卡爾的父親上個月失業了。)

2. 輸去 , 未贏得
He has lost his case.(他的官司打輸了。)

3. 損失(金錢) [(+on)]
We lost a lot of money on that deal.(我們在那筆交易上虧損了許多錢。)

Lost (verb - past and past perfect tense)

與 lose 的解釋一樣

Lost (adjective)

1. 弄丟的 , 遺失的
The lost ring was never found.(遺失的戒指再也沒有找到。)

2. 迷途的
He took the lost child to the policeman.(他把迷路的小孩領到警察那裡。)

3. 逝去的 , 喪失的
She felt great grief over her lost youth.(她對逝去的青春感到極大的悲傷。)

4. 錯過的 , 浪費掉的 , 輸掉的
We must make up for the lost time.(我們必須彌補失去的時間。)
參考: me & dictionary

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