Push up

2008-07-19 7:04 pm
i have three questions:
1. Can i do push up after i have my lunch or dinner?
2. Now i can only do 20 push up, should i do more?
3. what can i do to make myself more stronger? (except push up and sit up)

回答 (2)

2008-07-21 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Can i do push up after i have my lunch or dinner?
Of course not. You should only do exercise one hour after meal.

2. Now i can only do 20 push up, should i do more?
It really depends on your body strength. You can do more gradually with continuous practice. But you should never try to do more rapidly because you will easily get hurt if you increase the times so quickly.

3. what can i do to make myself more stronger? (except push up and sit up)
The best way of making yourself stronger is to do exercise in the morning. If you cannot then do it in the evening. Jogging is a very good oxegenic exercise because you can start from slow to fast (running). Another good exercise is swimming since you will be training evey piece of muscles of your body.
參考: Myself
2008-07-19 8:27 pm
1. 能我推擠在我吃我的午餐或晚餐之後? 2. 我可以應該只現在做20 推擠, 我做更多嗎? 3. 我可以做什麼使自己更加加強? (除了推擠和坐直)

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