全世界古代領土的地圖 5+5+5+5=20知識點數

2008-07-19 5:47 pm
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2008-07-23 3:15 am
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This map is modified from an original atlas by Tony Belmonte,
which disappeared from the Web in 1997. It shows the
size of the Second Bulgarian Empire under Czar Ivan Assen II
An ancient map of Arabia by the Oxford University Press

A recent map of Arabia from an encyclopedia


Map of Ancient Greece


An ancient map that King Henry owned in 1500 A.D. clearly shows Atlantis.


The Military Might
Ancient Egypt
The Egyptian Empire began to take shapeafter the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt around the year 3000B.C. under the mythical King Menes. With the rise of the power of thePharaohs, Egypt slowly began to expand beyond its borders, takingcontrol off cities and territories across the Nile. The demands of agrowing military outgrew what local conscripts could provide, resultingin a dependency on many foreign mercenaries. Borrowing ideas like fastchariots and long-range bows and arrows from warrior tribes like theHyksos, Egypt gradually built up one the of the most effective militaryforces of the ancient world. Egyptian monarchs were the supremecommanders of the Egyptian military and personally led their armiesinto battle. At its extent, the Egyptian Empire extended throughoutnortheastern Africa and the Middle East.

Map of Ancient Rome


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