
2008-07-19 8:22 am
1)What are you like?
2) What do you like?
3) What would you like?

回答 (2)

2008-07-19 8:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)What are you like?你係一個點樣既人
2) What do you like?你鐘意d咩
3) What would you like? 你有咩想要
參考: me
2008-07-19 10:48 am
1)What are you like?
字面意思: 你似怎麼樣?
實際意思: 你睇你似D咩樣?!


This rhetorical question is asked of someone who has done something stupid or outrageous. The point being that it is quite obvious what the person in question is like.
這是一句不期望得到回答, 只為加深印象的反問句。 當有人做了一些愚蠢可笑的事, 你就會運用到些句法。


The expression is of Irish origin although since the 1990s it has been used extensively in the UK, mostly by the young.
起源自1990年代的愛爾蘭, 大多是年輕人使用

2) What do you like?

3) What would you like?

(2) 和 (3) 的意思基本上是沒有分別, 但是當would用於問句時, 這是一個比較禮貎客氣的用法。當你跟一個不太相熟的人溝通, 或者你是服務性行業的職員, 需要招呼客人時就會用到(3)的問句。

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