installing drivers?

2008-07-18 9:09 pm
can anyone enlighten me on how to install the drivers on disc?they all show up as i install the disc but Where do i install them to .?

回答 (5)

2008-07-18 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I assume you have windows Xp but even if you have vista I would go to the device manager. Right click on my computer then properties. Then it should bring up a box go through the tabs until you find one with a device manger button on it. Then a box will pop up. find the device that needs to be installed normally they are not hard to find and are marked. Right click on it and go to properties. this is the important part. click on reinstall driver (i know you havent but this is what the buttons called). it will then ask you from where. Click on the cd option and it will seach for you and install the driver in the right place for you and you dont have to worry. You will need to restart your pc after dooing this.
2008-07-19 2:03 pm
To download any driver, go to the computer or hardware component manufacturer's site and search.
2008-07-19 1:59 pm
Let them do there own thing, they know where to go.
2008-07-19 4:14 am
You don't need to install it to a certain path( they know where to go). Probably you are talking about the programme come with the driver disc, and it just can go to programme file.
2008-07-19 4:13 am
The same drive as the os.

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