
2008-07-19 6:40 am
而家讀緊al chem同al bio兩科

回答 (3)

2008-07-21 7:48 am
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講真...我form 6 升7 的暑假冇溫過書-.-""最多只係做齊學校d功課同番學校補習
講左拎c 個
bio我唔太清楚..因為我淨係讀phy,chem 同pure.maths
但我知道..bio要拎c係比較難...拎c ge人數(計%)係比phy,chem同maths低
如果chem同bio都要拎c..咁溫bio ge時間一定比chem多..
al 一定比ce辛苦嫁喇..但係你ready好未?
我的確o係form 6 升7 的暑假冇溫過書..但係我由9月開始溫..未停過..
study leave o個陣平均每日溫10個鐘以上...
past paper一定一定要做多d...做15-20年..做兩次或以上
因為..al 係一個好漫長ge過程..你太早開始係一個好大ge問題
你要明白一樣野...讀書好講態嫁...而呢樣野會好似山咁..去到最高就會跌...所以你太早開始ge話...你考mock 就去到最高態...咁你好難係短時間內去到第2次高峰...咁你al 就考得不如理想嫁喇
而我好鐘意番學嫁..因為唔駛溫書..二黎學校生活好開心...同埋身邊有你ge al戰友同你一齊考al...千萬唔好成日都係咁爆溫....要識得減壓係十分重要嫁...比心機喇...al係每個form7同學ge宿命...唔好give up呀
2008-07-21 4:19 am
2008-07-20 4:28 am
When I saw at the end of F.6, I had already finished studying the syllabus of
chemistry and biology... and in the summer I did a number of pastpaper in
chem bio and ue.

I suggest you set a target, to finish studying the key concepts (or the syllabus)
at the end of the summer holiday. Thus you will have less than 6 weeks. In
my case, I need at least 5 months to finish studying all key concepts in
chemistry and biology. But I believe you will at least know something...
I think you have finished book 1,2,3a of chem and book 1,2 of bio
(manhattan), so you need to study the rest ON YOUR OWN. i.e. study
without teacher.

If you want to finish book 3B and 4 of chem, book 3,4 of bio, you will need
to study at least 6 hours a day.

for chemistry, you have to understand all concepts first. there is no need to
study K Kwong notes if you think it is difficult.( I got a B in chem and I think
his notes is difficult, also I did not study them). After you undertsand all
the concepts it does not mean you will achieve high mark, you need to do
pastpapers. The same applies to biology.

I bet you should study the marking scheme carefully in biology. You will
have a clear picture of the exam format. Even you are familar with the concepts in biology, there is no guarantee you get a C in HKALE biology.

every year the grades vary. for chemistry, you will need to get more than 55% correct to secure a C. For biology it is a bit lower, around 52-53%.

to my estimation, you need at least 65% to get a B.
Sorry I have no information about CLC. But doing pastpaper is very essential
to get a C or above.

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