hydrogen bond

2008-07-19 6:29 am
For alkanoic acid and alkanol of similar mass, alkanoic acid has a higher b.p. since alkanoic acid forms stronger and more hydrogen bond than alkanol ?
Why alkanoic acid forms stronger and more hydrogen bond than alkanol?
Isn't it both form same no. of hydrogen bond per molecule as both have one hydrogen only.

回答 (3)

2008-07-19 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案

請上呢個網址, 它有解答

放心冇毒, 因為呢個係yahoo blog

2008-07-26 12:42:29 補充:
哈哈哈......先多謝知識友A student..有批判思考


你都識講係special type啦..
事實上..你所指的special type其實係好commom架喎...
因為預科常見的organic compounds都有amide, hydroxyl, halide groups啦..
仲點叫special type??

參考: Myself
2008-07-24 7:19 am
As we known that,H-bond is a electrostatic attraction between the lone pair electrons of electronegative atom and a H atom bonded with a electronegative atom

alkanol can only form 1H-bond while alkanoic acid can form 2 (and appear as a form of dimer)

Therefore,alkanoic acid has a higher m.p. than alkanol as it has more H-bond which require more energy to break it.

I hope i can help u a bit~~
參考: me
2008-07-23 6:25 pm
Note that the definition of a hydrogen bond isn't as said by 冷風. It is, according to wikipedia,a special type of dipole-dipole force that exists between an electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom bonded to Nitrogen, Oxygen or Fluorine.

2008-07-23 10:25:53 補充:
Which is, a weak non-bond attraction between an electron-attractive atom and a NH, OH, FH group.

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