Talesrunner (answer in English) 15 points!!!!

2008-07-19 5:18 am
Who plays talesrunner??? If you do, please help me answer this question in the following...

Some people can explode (you know the face of yourself in the race
that tells you the turbo energy (blue), and the angryness of
yourself (red), but then, if you have both full, it turns into
rainbow color, right! Thx for understanding) in 0 second
, and it's going to be fast like ****!!!!!! I want to learn it
too, but I try to combine shift + Ctrl + z, Ctrl + z... But
maybe you have to buy shoes, or ... So if you do know
how to explode in 0 second, please tell me how to do it, plz
!!!!!!! THXXX

回答 (1)

2008-07-19 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You mean you want to use the rainbow colour?

Press shift+ z

No need to buy shoes.

(Plus the red is not the angryness)
參考: Me, because I play it.

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