汽車貸款 - 利息一問

2008-07-19 3:41 am
岩岩買左架車想上會, 想大約供兩年左右, 銀行 offer flate rate 4.95, 咁一個月大約供幾多錢左右 ? 呢個 charge 又算唔算貴呀 ??

回答 (3)

2008-07-22 9:08 am
請睇睇我在另一個 post 嘅答案:


希望以上內容可以幫到你!如果你有其它問題,可以再搵我 (可以 click 我個名聯絡我)!
2008-07-22 4:40 am
2008-07-20 12:39 am
The key point is do not contact Public Finance and other company who will charge you low interest but VERY-HIGH penalty. My friend borrows money from (大眾財務) with 1.2% per month flat rate but PF said the actual interest will be 3.0% FROM START OF CONTRACT if early repayment is requested. Beware of the penalty terms of the contract before signing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 14:42:18
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