我下年升中一 ---- 個人簡介 .. 急 ( 20點 )

2008-07-19 3:04 am
我下年升中一 , 不過我唔知點寫個人簡介 .
中文或英文都得 .
不過最好英文 .

回答 (2)

2008-07-19 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
HELLO, 各位同學大家好

[email protected]
2008-07-19 3:20 am
Teachers and fellow classmates,
Hello, I am (your name) , I am (your age)years old .I have (how many) family members. I love to do (your hobbies) at my spare time . My birthday is on( your birthday). My favourite festival is ( for example Christmas) because I can receive presents from friends , relatives, etc. And the most important thing is it is a happy festival for everyone around the world . Thoiugh it is not origin from China, it is from the western countries, everyone in China also celebrate this festival.
This is the end of the introduction of myself.
Thank you!

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