"Advanced Diploma Programme in The Art of Piano Teaching and Performance"
The tuition fee will be paid by two installments. First installment: $15,500; Second installment: $7,000. Total tuition fee: $22,500
Time and Venue for Programme
Classes will be held on weekday (tentatively scheduled on Tuesday and Friday) mornings at the Tsim Sha Tsui Town Centres.
Commencement Date November 11, 2008
Enrolment Fee HK$ 200
Enquiries Telephone No.: 2209 0251/2209 0443
Fax No.: 2994 4910
E-mail: scs-music@cuhk.edu.hk
1, 呢個 course 係唔係 all 用英語授課 ??
2, 而試果時要比d咩佢 ga ?
3, 係咪要做埋音樂 test ga?
4, November 11, 2008 會開課??
5, $22,500 知唔知係讀幾多年ga ?
Advanced Professional Diploma Programme in Music Performance (Piano)
係咪唔同ga ?
定係 choose 事但一個 course,
都可以讀上去, 修同一樣野??
but 佢入面又有
Programme Structure
The programme comprises 3 Professional Diploma courses which can also be taken separately.
(1)Professional Diploma in Piano Pedagogy
(2)Professional Diploma in Performance Practice (Piano)
(3)Professional Diploma in Music History and Theory
係咪要讀曬咁多個先可以畢業 ga ??
咁咪好貴 low ? 大約讀呢個 course要幾多錢 ga ?
修讀的年期要幾耐 ??
係咪 all夜校 ?? 一 week返 幾多日 ga ?
如果讀中大呢 d , 想 low 張 dip / high dip ,
大約要預幾多錢 ?
有無d咩做的 project / 功課 , 係要用到好多錢 a ?
仲有, 呢個係咪only summar course , 比人進修 ga ??
Advanced Professional Diploma & Professional Diploma Programme in Music Performance (Piano) Schedule ( 2008 Summer)
其實讀音樂學院, 係咪會係中大果d 咁煩 ga ??
好似 香港國際音樂學校 & 香港音樂專科學校