
2008-07-18 10:43 am
我e家有個鋼琴,用左5年左右,牌子係barratt n robinson,好唔好架?我諗緊換唔換另一部更加好既琴好......好多鋼琴牌子例如:yamaha,kawai等,邊隻牌子最好?係選琴果陣,要點樣知道咩琴係好還是壞?白色琴會唔會比較唔耐用??如果係買琴,要係邊間琴行買琴最好?柏斯定通利還是其他?最好個琴係彈得好好既,聲又靚既,耐用的...詳細介紹,thanks a lot...

回答 (3)

2008-07-24 8:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
depand on are u sure to had patient to pass grade 5 because its too hard because lots of plp when they go to grade 5 it's too hard they feel that they cant improve more than they stop , even grade 7 lots of plp stop because of school exam or because grade 8 is very hard, so if i were u i will make sure i pass my grade 5 if you think u can still got the patient to go through it than think of to buy a better piano , i dont want u to waste u $$$ to upgrade your piano than later on u feel that its too hard when u buy a better piano , be very honest lots of my fds are very poor their piano is 100 yrs old the piano key got problem the piano is never tune but because they are talent they still finish grade 8 even of a talent kid i know at youtube 2 daughers take piano lesson but because they are talent they took violin lesson too but their mom can only buy them a keyboard for 2 daugher to share they can only practice at a store a nice person storea let them practice everytime, but they can play big piece very talent with joy happy , if you really want i would suggest yamaha u3 but be honest u got a piano to play u should be thankful even 43 inch piano can complete grade 8 lots of family cant afford to buy a better piano because 2 kids take piano lesson but at the end they finish grade 8, instead of change the piano , i think u should be happy of the piano u got , piano is a tool method & how hard u work on to practice u piano is only 5 yrs old do u know lots of plp never got a chance to get a new piano , you should be glad you parents buy u a new piano to start do u know lots of kids even they are talent they never got a chance to had new piano their piano is only used piano when they get start for them used piano is = new piano think before you say to u parents u want to change piano la they make $$$ is not easy lots of fee coming when you are grade 5 piano now theroy extra time for 45 minutes u know
2008-07-18 10:03 pm





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