垃圾堆填區's situation

2008-07-17 4:06 am
the situation of Hk's landfills.
why are they so full?
who should be responsible for this problem/
the environment around the landfills.
wh sould we do?

i mean the how's the environment around the lnadfills? any pollution? please explain more!!!

回答 (2)

2008-07-17 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案

2008-07-17 18:33:41 補充:
Landfills indeed produce 3 kinds of pollution,
In order of their relative impact to the environment,
they are:
(1) leachate poisons the ground and surface water;
(2) landfill gas pollute the air; and
(3) landfill itself create visual pollution.
2008-07-17 4:25 am
the situation of Hk's landfills.
why are they so full?


who should be responsible for this problem/


the environment around the landfills.
wh sould we do?

what are u talking about?

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