為什麼圖書館的開放時間牌的close 用了過去式。

2008-07-17 1:04 am
我在開放時間牌上看見The library is closed on the flowing public holidays,..

回答 (3)

2008-07-18 10:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
hi, it is not the 過去式, it is the passive voice in this sentence, because {library} is a {no-life --- death} things, not the same as He, She, Dog ...
in this sentence {is closed} is a passive voice verb, they used together {verb to be, e.g. is, are, be} and {perfect tense, e.g. eaten, went, taken ...) to describe the {death} thing - library.
Mary eats an apple. (this is active voice sentence)
An apple is eaten by Mary. (this is passive voice sentence)
2008-07-17 1:18 am


這句子不是用了過去式, 而是選用了 "被動式 Passive Voice" --- is closed, 因圖書館的門在浮動假期是會被人關上的, 而門是不會自己去關閉的。

2008-07-17 1:15 am
是被動式, passive voice

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