<40 marks> 各位知識朋友 , 入黎幫我手 ar !!! ( 數學F.1 ) (61)

2008-07-17 12:53 am
各位知識朋友 , 入黎幫我手 ar !!!

我有幾條數學問題唔識 , 幫手解答 ar( 數學F.1 )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (要步驟)

1.A shopowner sells three items A,B and C with the following results:
Item A: a loss of $540
Item B: a gain of 720
Item C: a loss of $310
(a) Does he gain or lose as a whole
(b) Find the gain or loss

2.In the multiple-choice test,there are 24 questions.For each question,
4 marks are given for a correct answer,3 marks are deducted for an incorrect
answer and 2 marks are deducted for no answer.John attempts 18 questions,
and only answers 9 questions correctly.Find his final score.

3.Subtract the sum of -6.5 and -2.4 from the sum of 3 and -4

回答 (2)

2008-07-17 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案

reslut = -540+720-310
= -130


(a) he lose as a whole
(b) the loss is $130


total questions = 24
no. of questions that John did not answer = 24 - 18
= 6
no. of questions that John attempts = 18
no. of questions that is correct = 9
no. of question that is incorrect = 18 - 9
= 9

total score = ( no. of questions that is correct )*4
-( no. of question that is incorrect )*3
-( no. of questions that John did not answer )*2
= 9 * 4 - 9 * 3 - 6 * 2
= -3

therefore, his final score is -3


the sum of -6.5 and -2.4 = -6.5 +(-2.4)
= -6.5 - 2.4
= -8.9
the sum of 3 and -4 = 3 + (-4)
= 3 - 4
= -1

Subtract the sum of -6.5 and -2.4 from the sum of 3 and -4
= (the sum of 3 and -4 ) - ( the sum of -6.5 and -2.4 )
= -1 - (-8.9)
= -1 + 8.9
= 7.9
參考: Myself
2008-07-19 3:29 am
1. lose 130
2. 5
3. -1

2008-07-18 19:30:12 補充:
the answer of 3. is 7.9

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:09:39
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