
2008-07-16 11:12 pm

回答 (1)

2008-07-17 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Prof. Shen Jianfa


BSc., MSc. (East China Normal)
PhD (London)
(852) 2609-6469
[email protected]

Courses Taught in 2007-2008
1st term:
GRM 2324 Population and Resources
GRM 3021 Final Year Thesis I
2nd term:
GRM 2303 Urban Geography
GRM 3022 Final Year Thesis II
Teaching Fields
Population and Resources
Urban Geography
Geography of China
Research Interests
Spatial population modeling and migration analysis
Urbanization and governance
Urban and regional development
Geographic information systems with socio-economic applications
Pearl River Delta and China
Services/ Posts
Head of Graduate Division, Department of Geography and Resource Management,
Co-director, Urban and Regional Development in Pacific Asia Programme, Hong Kong
Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies
Consultant, World Bank (May2007 - March 2008)
Executive Member of the Editorial Board, China Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal on
Greater China
Member of Editorial Board, GeoJournal: An Internatinoal Journal on Geography
Member of International Advisory Board, Population, Space and Place
Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
Member of Editorial Committee, Journal of Subtropical Environment and Resources
Advisory Professor, East China Normal University, Shanghai
Member of Specialty Committee on Quantitative Geography, Geographical Association
of China
Member of Steering Committee, Commission on Population and Vulnerability,
International Geographical Union

2008-07-16 16:06:05 補充:
Shen J, 2005, Immigration of talents cannot solve the ageing problem, Forum Section, Mingpao Daily, A26, 28 February. http://full.mingpaonews.com/20050228/__faa1h.htm

2008-07-16 16:07:37 補充:
他主持不少研究項目 (Research Projects), 詳見 http://www.grm.cuhk.edu.hk/en/people/4_staff_fm_11.htm
參考: CUHK

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