which one is correct?

2008-07-16 10:26 pm
If you sell the car for 6000 HKD, this would make you a profit of 100 percent.

If you sell the car for 6000 HKD, this would make you a 100 percent of profit .

background: the cost of the car is 3000HKD

you can say both are wrong and leave me a correct answer

回答 (5)

2008-07-16 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. profit 放在of 之前, 表示 of 之後的 100 percent 是用來形容 of之前的profit

如果想句sentence 順口d , 可以寫成:
If you sell the car for 6000 HKD, you will make a profit of 100 percent.
2008-07-17 1:51 am
Both are correct, but in English, I suggest you to put it this way:
You'll make 100 percent profit if you sold the car for HK$6,000.00.

1) 英文呢樣周不時要與中文倒轉講才.
2) Why use pass tence 'sold' ? because you won't get anything until it's sold.
參考: self
2008-07-17 12:57 am
all wrong. there is only 50% profit, if you should successfully sell the car for HK$ 6,000.-.
參考: Definition: Operating Profit Percentage
2008-07-17 12:06 am
If you sell the car at HKD6,000 , this would let you have a 100% profit against your costing.
2008-07-16 10:31 pm
If you sell the car for 6000 HKD, this would make you a profit of 100 percent.

car of Amy = Amy's car
profit of 100% = 100%'s profit

So, this is correct

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