歐遊德,奧,捷,荷,比,盧,法一問(可能有點複雜…)拜託!!! (Europe, Eurail Pass)

2008-07-16 10:22 pm
My friend and I are going for a Europe backpacker trip in the coming Oct for around 40 days. We have booked some of the hostels but we suddenly realized that we still have to make changes about our itinerary...We really need your HELP!

We tended to visit some big cities in Germany and the capitals of the countries surrounded. Please take a look of our itinerary:

2 nights

1 night

3 nights

9/10-10/10Munich to Vienna directly
1 night

2 nights

3 nights

Night Train to Salzburg

3 nights

2 nights

2 nights

1 night

3 nights

The hostels on above places are COMFIRMED, but still, we wanna go to Hamburg, Bremen, Amsterdam, Belgium, Luxembourg, Pais. If possible, we wanna go to Budapest too...(New idea~). We will buy a 4days Austria-Czech railpass.

3 main problems we have to solve are:

1) According to our itinerary, how can we add Budapest as one of the destination? (maybe we can ask the hostels to shift our check-in date...)

2) We planned to buy a 4/5 countries select pass for 10/15 days...If we give up "Budapest", we'll just have 4 countries to go. Should we just buy a 4countries 10days pass instead of a 5countries 15 days pass?

Do you think it's enough for our trip?

3) If we have a 10 days pass only, what kind of transportation could get us from city to city in Germany (as cheap as possible!)? Are buses in Germany easy to access?

This is our first backpacker trip and we'll love to hear some opinion from an expert like you. Please kindly give us some advise~ You can reply me in chinese (I type Eng since my computer can't type in Chinese...)

Thank you very much!!

回答 (2)

2008-07-17 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Refer to your plan, you have planned for around 21 days already, so you need to continue to plan 19 days to complete your trip. Since you have already confirmed all hostels in the first part of your trip, it's useless to discuss about it already. So I will only focus on the 2nd part.
After the finish of the 1st half of your trip, you will be in Berlin, then you can simply go to Hamburg, then Bremen, Amsterdam, Brussel, Luxemburg, and finally Paris. All of the above jouneries are linked by train. Budapest is out of the route, if possible, please drop it, otherwise your trip will be cut into 2 pieces and need to use plane to link it up.
The following will be your train journey:

Frankfurt -- Sttugart
Sttugart -- Munich
Munich -- Vienna
Vienna -- Prague (Not counted)
Prague -- Salzburg (Not counted)
Salzburg -- Nurmberg
Nurmberg -- Dredsen
Dredsen -- Leipzig
Leipzig -- Berlin
Berlin -- Hamburg
Hamburg -- Bremen
Bremen -- Amsterdam
Amsterdam -- Brussel
Bressel -- Luxemburg
Luxemburg -- Paris
Totally you need to travel on train 13 days and you will visit 5 countries (regions), Germany, Austria, Czech, Benelux and France. Czech is not counted in Eurail Pass, so you need to prepare ticket for 4 countries. As you sais, a 10 days pass for 4 countries is better in this case. You can buy single ticket for trip 12 and 13 because train cost in Benelux is lower than Germany. Then you can also consider buying single ticket for the trip Nurmburg -- Dredsen or Hamburg -- Bremen, it's comparatively a shorter trip
2008-07-17 8:57 am
I have some comment on your travel plan:

It seems that Salzburg and Numberg is out of the main route of your itinerary. I think you should re-rount them as follow:

Heidelberg (my suggestion, it's worth visiting)
Munich (with one day-trip to Fussen)

I think you can skip Budapest as it is very similar to Prague but less attractive.

In the other hand if you also want to cover Holland, France, Belgium, etc and you don't have enough time, .you can skip some stops (such as Salzburg, Leipsig, Dresden) from the above as some of them are quite similar.

In Germany and Austria, I think its best to use train for inter-city travel. Driving is also a good option if both of you have a driving licience. The highway in Germany and Austira have no speed limit. You can find very good hotel rooms at bargain price as you don't limit your choice in the hotel nearby the train stations.

This summer I travelled with the following route in around 20 days:
Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Wachau Valley, Salzkammergut , Salzburg, Munich. Each stop around 1 to 3 days.

I dont know too much about rail pass so I could not give any comment on that. As most of my connection are not very far away, I didnt use pass.

Hope the about can help.

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