有小小subject-verb agreement既問題...plx help me!!

2008-07-16 7:44 pm
1.neither the airport official nor the airline staff KNOWS the reason for the delay of the flight.<----點解know個字.....要加s....點解唔係用plural verb
2.the person you described doesn"t live here.<---佢話you.....個do字.....點解唔係用don"t.....
3.they didn"t tell us to expect a large crowd for the meeting tonight.....<-----點解don"t 係過去式...我唔明!!!


回答 (2)

2008-07-16 8:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. neither a NOR b - the subject is treated as singular, therefore, third person singular - add 's' to the verb.

2. make the sentence simplier - "the person (you described) does not live here". The verb "does" link with "the person", again, third person singular, add "s" to the verb (do + es)

3. didn't tell = 冇講, don't tell = 唔講.
參考: myself
2008-07-16 8:04 pm
1. This is a sentence pattern called nether ... nor ....

The verb we use refers to neither A nor B (跟B)
In your case , B = the air line staff . It is counted as singular . so we use knows instead of know .

2. Because the verb is followed by "the person"
The person = subject
You described is a clause

3. 因為 didn't 指 They didn't tell me before . This is a past action .
參考: me

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