The word 'clubbing'?

2008-07-16 6:13 pm
Does anyone know any definition of the word 'clubbing' (partying)?

Like where, when and who invented the word 'clubbing'? Is it only a word that has been used by the people in Hong Kong? Can anyone please help??

回答 (4)

2008-07-25 6:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Go clubbing" is a phrase commonly used in North America. Clubbers do drink, spend a lot of jumping around to music, and are associated with other recreational substances. If you go to disco, you are regarded as a clubber. If you go to bars, we call it "bar-hopping" because you just "watch the scene".

noun (clubbings, -)
(uncountable) The practice of frequenting nightclubs.
We're going clubbing tonight.

I don't like clubbing.
(countable) An instances of using a club.
There was an outbreak of near-fatal clubbings in that area.
參考: ME + NET
2009-12-03 4:01 pm
跳吧 in China
跳店 in Taiwan
2008-07-25 6:29 pm
"clubbing"this world isn't chinglish.
You ca check this word in a dictionary
it an new English to replace the classical word "disco"
Actually their meaning are the same
2008-07-16 8:11 pm
i have some western freinds. they always say 'let's go clubbing'. that means not only people in Hong Kong say this word.

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