
2008-07-16 1:32 pm
The company will offer you a sales commission scheme which is designed to ensure that your effort will be rewarded in line with the company's sales performance
.payment is subject to prevailing policy in force and may be changed at sole discretion of the company without prior notice.
the sales commission is payable in arrears on the last day of  the following calendar month.
Considering the shop is at start up stage.
in the first six months of your employment, the company will protect your commission of 1500 per month.
Thereafter, the company will review if the protection of commission will be extended or if a different amount be applied with reference to the business performance and sales level.

咁係咪即係話我最多只會有1500蚊佣金..唔會再有額外geo佣金...同埋係咪6個月之後就唔會再有呢1500 ka la???~~~~~~~同埋我英文唔係..請大家解下比我聽呢段野大約係講咩~~~thxtxh!~~

回答 (2)

2008-07-16 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
付款是受現行政策執行生效, 公司可更改計劃而且不需預先通知
在頭六個月的受雇期, 公司將會提供每個月1,500元佣金收入保證
2008-07-17 5:24 am
thedragonspring ( 大學級 1 級 ) 譯得很清楚。我只想補充最後一句的意思:公司會就著你的工作表現和營業額,決定會否繼續每月給千五元保證佣金,或者給你更多。例如:你的表現不合乎公司的期望,幫不到手賺錢,公司應該取消保證佣金,你便只有底薪了;相反,你表現好,公司會提高保證佣金,作為鼓勵。

2008-07-16 22:04:48 補充:
「表現好不好」是很主觀的,很多時會成為勞資雙方的爭議,比較公道的方式是:例如員工今月共銷售了五萬元的貨物,她佔 1 % 佣金,即 500元,這樣實數實計,多勞多得,我知有連鎖店用這制度,公道!有些顧主是很奸的,我關心你,也多事講多幾句!

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