
2008-07-16 8:24 am
The door bell rang .He thought that it was his maid. `She forgot to
take the key again,' he thought. When he opened the door , he saw.....


回答 (2)

2008-07-16 9:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
...he saw a giant ghost with a red long hair right in front of him. At that moment, his face turned white, and he started to yell. Furthermore, he closed the door immediately, but the ghost crashed and broke the door. Then, he ran to upstair to escape, yet the ghost chased after him. Finally, the ghost extended her hands and got him by the neck. He tried to struggle with her and yelled out loud. Suddenly, he woke up and looked around, but there was nothing happened. He breathed deeply because he recognized it was a horrible dream.
我唔知你個故事係想講乜嘢, 所以我就以自己ge意思去作, 希望可以想到你啦!
2008-07-16 8:38 am
option 1 - he saw sea and fish, a fishman is fishing.
option 2 - he saw the lock was broken, no key are needed
option 3 - he saw a big gift with colourful ribbon
option 4 - he saw the rain coming down, and the tears dropping down, water is drizzling down from the tap.

what u want to write, what u can be fine.
參考: try

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