Multiply (s+t)(s^2-st+t^2)?

2008-07-16 7:19 am
Please help. I figured it out on paper and it did not look right to me. I got s^3+t^3....please someone help.

Thanks for the answers..I just wanted reassurance.


Im a college freshman in college lol I wish I didnt have to see this stuff I hate math but thank god this is my last class of it

回答 (5)

2008-07-16 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
You got it!

You just distribute the (s+1) term, multiply, and cancel like terms
2008-07-16 7:57 pm
(s + t)(s^2 - st + t^2)
= s*s^2 + t*s^2 - s*st - t*st + s*t^2 + t*t^2
= s^3 + s^2t - s^2t - st^2 + st^2 + t^3
= s^3 + t^3
2008-07-16 3:08 pm
s³ - s² t + s t²
___s² t - s t² + t³

s³ + t³

We agree !
2008-07-16 2:24 pm
s^3 + t^3. you are right, so i presume there is no need to show work
2008-07-16 2:28 pm
omg what grade are you in? im a freshman in high school and havent seen anything like that. wow! hard stuff you got there.

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