is something wrong with me? pelase help?

2008-07-15 11:00 pm
i've been having these new problems now and i'm starting to get really scared. it started out with appetite loss, diarrhea, and trouble sleeping (which has been going on for 2 months). (but i'd still eat) and today.. nothing has changed for me and i eat really healthy and take long brisk walks daily.

i felt like throwing up
i have a huge headache
my arms are shaking
i feel like i'm going to fall over when walking
my sight has blurred
this morning i woke up and found that i can't taste anything.

i can't go to a doctor, my parents would only take me if i was bleedning from my eyes or vomiting blood.. you get the idea.

回答 (31)

2008-07-15 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Only a doctor can run some tests on you and correctly diagnose your problem. If you are old enough to take long brisk walks by yourself, you are certainly old enough to walk into the hospital emergency room. I take it your parents won't take you to see a doctor unless you are seriously ill because they are uninsured. Go see a doctor now, by yourself if you have to. Your symptoms suggest something serious such as diabetes.
2008-07-16 6:04 am
Tell your parents to stop being stupid and take you to the doctor.

If worse comes to worse, fake something really bad to make them take you. Just be sure to tell the doctors that whatever you fake isn't real.

This can't be good and you should see a doctor.
Keep pushing your parents.
參考: Personal experience of when I had awful pains and after 7 months convinced my mom that it wasn't dumb to take me to the hospital. They were ovarian cysts and now I have medication for them.
2008-07-16 6:20 am
the symptoms are classic for alcohol induced diabetes - except for the non-taste part; which leads me to assume that you haven't been drinking ETHANOL intentionally... so - get some B12 (vitamin from organ meats) or eat plain yogurt with honey every night when you feel better to build up your immunity. Right now, replenish your electrolytes with salty soup like Campbells Tomato, eat a banana, drink some milk. Rehydrate with an electrolyte replacement drink for athletes, it should contain calcium-magnesium- potassium. This will prevent future problems caused by electrolyte imbalance.

Get on a healthy diet immediately, with plenty of greens (for calcium), drink green tea (iced or hot- to build up immunity) take chromium (to balance blood sugar) eat whole grain brown rice and oatmeal (to balance blood sugar) and go to any nutrition classes at your local health food store and learn how to take care of yourself better. No more pizza or fast food chicken for you.... Sending you a hug....
2008-07-16 6:10 am
You very well could have blood sugar issues, ie: hypoglycemia or diabetes. Not going go a doctor and finding out could land you in the hospital via an ambulance. Get a check up.
2008-07-16 6:09 am
there cud b a lack of one of the essential nutrients... (if u dont kno what they are go to if u think u cud b lacking some type of food well obviously eat it...

if not then (clearly) its something else... maybe some type of side effect? i mean im not really a doctor so i wudnt kno... try to figure out the main problem and try different things to make this go away... hot showers, damp towel over ur eyes... etc...

if u cant figure it out then start bleeding from ur eyes so ur parents will take you to a doctor... im kidding PLZ dont do that... but if it gets worse u MUST go to ur parents to see a doctor...
2008-07-16 6:08 am
Well seriously beg ur parents to take u to thew doctor. Because those sytems are really bad and u may be affected for along time. OK! Seriously. Also tell them u feel like ur goin to die. And also if u feel like u are goin to thro up eat something red and ur parents may think it is blood. Lol! Also search these sytems online or something! UMM u have diabetes Becuase i was askin my grandma about how she felt when she had diabetes and she said the same exact thing u said. Soo go to the doctor or ur are going to die!! That is what my grandma said and she is a nurse!!!!!
2008-07-16 6:06 am
try checking your blood sugar leval. it might be low. but just in case, i would definatly go to the doctor or something. it could be something really bad. talk to your parents seriously about seeing a doctor. tell them you are definatly not kidding around and need to see one immediatly. it they care anything about your health, they'll take you. u really need to go.
2008-07-16 6:05 am
you really need to see a doctor this sounds serious.
try checking your symptoms on Web MD
take a taxi or ask a friend or a friend's parent to take you and see a physician ASAP
maybe then your parents will realize how serious this is
do not wait
it sounds like its getting worse and it could be a disease or illness that could turn fatal in a few days, hours, minutes, seconds. you never know
2008-07-16 6:05 am
I don't know if this relates to your situation or not but it is very possible you could be pregnant. If you haven't had intercourse in the last 6-10 weeks disregard this answer but your symptoms follow closely with the first trimester of a pregnancy. If you have had intercourse, the dollar store sells test's cheap and they are just as accurate as the expensive ones. Hope this helps.
2008-07-16 6:04 am
Call nurse on line. If they can tell you that hteirs something wrong, have the person tell your parents. Maybe then they'll believe you. By the way, you parents can get in serious trouble for NOT taking you to the doctor. It's also known as child neglect. What fricking idiots.

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