
2008-07-16 7:28 am

回答 (3)

2008-07-17 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
1/ 我上年去都係住siam@siam酒店, 係機場的士站搭, 佢要450泰幣(唔係計 meter, 差幾十泰幣, 比佢啦), 佢行左一程高速, 要成九個字車程

2/ 大約預早兩個鐘到機場就差唔多, 我上次就早3個鐘就搭的士 (我搭4點機, 1點左右check-out再搭的士), 計meter, 行兩程高速, 半個鐘就到機場, 唔駛400泰幣

參考: me
2008-07-16 5:09 pm
2008-07-16 7:48 am
從曼谷機場去saim@saim酒店. If not traffic jam, around 45 minutes. 費用
around THAI 330. (include 2 tolly charges if take a taxi)

2. from Saim@saim hotel to airport, around 45 minutes if not traffic jam.
You ask taxi driver to take tolly (total 2 tolly). You can check in
to hotel front desk before leave date.

You remember to shopping from Tesco supermarket (near Siam@siam hotel)
No need to pay tax this supermarket. Please note.

2008-07-15 23:52:52 補充:
提早幾多去機場. You must 提早2 hours to arrival Bangkok airport. If the flight 6:00PM, you must arrive to Bangkok before 4:00PM. You must leave Siam at Siam hotel before 3:00PM- 3:15PM.

Traffic jam hours - You check a hotel first

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