問英文!!唔該幫我丫.. ( rain cycle diagram )

2008-07-16 1:50 am
1 .How does the water get from the earth to the clouds?

2 .What happens to water vapour when it hits cooler air?

3 .The place you live has now rain for a long time .How will your life be different?

4 .which do you like more; rainy days or sunny days? Why?

回答 (1)

2008-07-16 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Through the processes of evaporation and evapotranspiration.

2. Condensation--form clouds

3. There will probably be flooding so I have to store food and move to a place of higher relief.

4. Sunny days because I can go to the beach.:P (well, you have to point out the good things about sunny days)

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