去加拿大留學 住宿, 學校 問題

2008-07-16 1:27 am
1. 我係加拿大出世, 而家係HK讀中二, 想住homestay ,如果父母唔一齊去, 咁仲要唔要交學費
P.S.(i) 溫哥華出世
(ii) 想去burnaby讀
(iii)仲有burnaby 啲homestay 資料係邊到穩? detail D, 唔該
(e-mail, address, phone no., etc)

2. Burnaby/ West Van. 有D咩好high school & college

冇relatives 係Vancouver~

回答 (1)

2008-07-16 3:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can either apply for private schools and let your school to arrange for homestays for you or find your own homestays through your parents' friends or relatives. Once you have a steady address, you can enroll school through a school board. Burnaby, West Van, Vancouver all have it's own School Board.

You can browse the following website to find a homestay in Burnaby. Are teh homestays good or not varies depending on your expectations.

Good luck.


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