煮食及食物保存 (磨菇, 豆腐)

2008-07-16 12:50 am
豆腐要怎樣才會煎金黃色, 要煎多久才熟透上碟??

剩下的豆腐可以怎樣保存, 不會變質?? 已上碟的豆腐可以保存多久??


回答 (2)

2008-07-25 1:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-07-16 7:32 am
豆腐 is already cooked, just heat them, then u can eat. if u want 豆腐煎金黃色, you have to use {soft} or {smoth} 豆腐 and use the very very very high heat oil to fry them. however u should be careful the steam from the heat oil. u will not take a long time to fry them, just fry them until u see them in golden colour.
If u fried them, u can keep the leftover tofu (completely cool down) in ur refrigerator up to 2-3 days. If ur tofu do not cook, u can use the tape water to cover it and put it in the refrigerator up to 2 days.
u cannot keep 生的蘑菇 fresh, cos they contains a lot of water, they will become dark-brown on the next day. If u want to keep it longer, u have to cook them first, and then u can put into ur refrigerator up to a week. Hope all informations can help you.
參考: Experienced person

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