✔ 最佳答案
1.注意安全 Safety-conscious
2.請勿嬉水 Please do not play the water
3.嚴禁園內吸煙 Refuses in the garden to smoke
4.請勿攀爬欄杆 Please do not climb up the parapet
5.請小心看顧隨行兒童 Please the careful take care of accompany the child
6.未經許可不可進入歷奇園地 May not enter the calendar wonderful field without the permission
7.請保持清潔 Please maintain clean
8.請勿踐踏草地 Please do not trample the lawn
9.請勿採摘植物 Please do not pick the plant
10.請勿餵飼雀鳥 Please do not feed raises the small birds
11.請勿刻字塗污 Please do not carve characters to spread the dirt
12.嚴禁擺賣兜售 Refuse to sell from a stand peddles
13.不准攜帶狗隻或寵物 Do not permit to carry the dog or the pet
14.請勿捕捉大自然生物 Please do not catch the nature biology
15.園內不可喧嘩騷擾或演奏樂器 Cannot clamour the harassment or plays the musical instrument in the garden
16.食物或飲料須在指定範圍內享用 Food or the drink must enjoy in the specific range
17.請勿在園內放生 Please do not set free a captured animal in the garden
i hope i can help you.