
2008-07-15 8:27 pm
第二條:9的n次方減1is divisible by 8
第三條:2的2n次方減1is divisible by 3 for all postive integers n.

回答 (3)

2008-07-15 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Explanation as follows:


2008-07-15 14:04:21 補充:
注意: Assumption嗰步係要指明 [ Assume P ( k ) is true for SOME positive integers k ];
有d書係寫[ Assume P is true for n = k ], 個n = k同樣表達咗SOME嘅意思
但下面嗰位[Assume P(k) is true,k is a positive integer], 係冇指明到SOME positive integers k

2008-07-15 14:07:04 補充:
lee個純粹係小問題一個, 但唔排除要求嚴格嘅老師會扣掉部分分數= =

2008-07-16 12:20:00 補充:
注意: 003並非完全使用附加數的方法。Comparing the coefficients等是純數常用的方法, 在附加數的課程上是無須用到。
參考: My Maths Knowledge
2008-07-16 12:23 pm
1. Let 1/[(2n-1)(2n+1)]=a/(2n-1)+b/(2n+1)
=>  1=a(2n+1)+b(2n-1)
=>  1=2(a+b)n+(a-b)

Comparing the coefficients of n: 2(a+b)=0 => a+b=0
Comparing the constant terms: a-b=1

Hence, a=0.5 and b=-0.5





2. 9^n-1=9^n+[9^(n-1)-9^(n-1)]+...+(9²-9²)+(9-9)-1

3. 2^(2n)-1=4^n-1
2008-07-15 9:27 pm


2.Let P(n) be the propostion
“9n-1is divisible by 8”
For n=1,
91-1=8 is divisible by 8.
∴P(1) is also true
Assume P(k) is true,k is a positive integer.
i.e. “9k-1=8N,N is an integer ”
For n=k+1,
=8(9N+1) which is divisibly by 8.
∴P(k+1) is also true
By principle of mathematical induction ,P(n) is true for all positive intergers n.

3.Let P(n) be the propostion
“22n-1is divisible by 3.”
For n=1,
22-1=3 is divisible by 3.
∴P(1) is also true
Assume P(k) is true,k is a positive integer.
i.e. “22k-1=3N,N is an integer ”
For n=k+1,
=3(4N+1) which is divisibly by 3.
∴P(k+1) is also true
By principle of mathematical induction ,P(n) is true for all positive intergers n.

2008-07-20 21:29:10 補充:
我答慢了!所以最佳解答應給Gabriella Montez !!!

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