這句的原意是: 這訪問舉行的地方是該電影曾去過取景/拍攝 的其中的一個城市香港, 08年7月13日. 這訪問是訪問Christian Bale和Maggie Gyllenhaal的.
if there's mistakes in the English translation, please help me to edit it or simply translate the English sentence once more. thanks!!
and this one: I wonder why you had said that! 原意是: 我感到奇怪為何你說了這樣的話? 應是I wonder if why you had said that! 嗎? 還是本來的沒有錯?
hkwaddle, 你的重新翻譯過的句子: The interview with Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal on 13 July 08 took place in Hong Kong, the city where the film was made. 可否修改一點? 因為那電影只是到過香港取景, 但並不是全齣電影也是在香港取景.