
the interview was taken place in one of the cities which the film has been filmed at, Hong Kong, 13th July,08. An interview of Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal.

這句的原意是: 這訪問舉行的地方是該電影曾去過取景/拍攝 的其中的一個城市香港, 08年7月13日. 這訪問是訪問Christian Bale和Maggie Gyllenhaal的.
if there's mistakes in the English translation, please help me to edit it or simply translate the English sentence once more. thanks!!

and this one: I wonder why you had said that! 原意是: 我感到奇怪為何你說了這樣的話? 應是I wonder if why you had said that! 嗎? 還是本來的沒有錯?


hkwaddle, 你的重新翻譯過的句子: The interview with Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal on 13 July 08 took place in Hong Kong, the city where the film was made. 可否修改一點? 因為那電影只是到過香港取景, 但並不是全齣電影也是在香港取景.

回答 (4)

2008-07-15 8:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the interview was taken place in one of the cities which the film has been filmed at, Hong Kong, 13th July,08. An interview of Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal.
1.唔應該有 passive voice
2.tense 唔統一
3.preposition 唔妥
4.最後一句冇 verb
An interview of Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal on 13th July,08, which took place in Hong Kong, one of the cities where the film filmed at.
全句有兩個 relative clause,但係全句其實冇動詞,incomplete。
The interview with Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal on 13 July 08 took place in Hong Kong, the city where the film was made.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
"I wonder why you had said that!" 其實冇問題,問題只係到底應該用乜野 tense。如果只係單純講一件舊事,就應該用 simple past tense,即係 "you said that";如果佢講o既o野o係另一件舊事之前,咁先要用到 "you had said that"。
"I wonder if why you had said that!" 就一定唔得。因為 i wonder if 係問人有冇/會唔會,但就無法子同 why 合埋一齊。
2008-07-16 6:49 pm
An interview made on 13th July 08 with Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal took place in Hong Kong, one of the cities at which the film was shot.
I wonder why you had said that ( grammatically correct)
I wonder if why you had said that! (grammatically wrong) (if and why being put together has no meaning)
2008-07-15 8:54 pm
Internview with Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal on 13 July 2008 in Hong Kong, one of the cities where the film was shot.

I wonder why you had said that! 沒有錯

(using "if" and "why" together is not correct.)
2008-07-15 8:08 pm
An interview of Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal on 13th July,08, which took place in Hong Kong, one of the cities where the film filmed at.

08年7月13日,Christian Bale和Maggie Gyllenhaal的訪問,在香港(該電影取過景的其中的一個城市)舉行.

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