
2008-07-15 7:35 pm

回答 (3)

2008-07-15 7:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let the smaller portion be x. Therefore, 5 times of x = 5x.
Larger portion = (45-x), 3 times of larger portion = 3(45-x).
Therefore, the equation is:
5x - 3(45-x) = 1
5x - 135 + 3x = 1
8x = 136
x= 17 = quantity of smaller portion.
2008-07-15 8:05 pm
let x be the smaller one and y be the more one ,
x + y = 45 --------------------(1)
5x - 3y = 1 -------------------(2)

(1) * 3 ,
3x + 3y = 135 ----------------(3)

(2) + (3)
5x - 3y + 3x + 3y = 1 + 135
8x = 136
x = 17
sub x = 17 into (1) ,
17 + y = 45
y = 28

Therefore , the smaller one have 17 chocolates .
參考: me & truth
2008-07-15 7:42 pm
Let x be the number of the chocolate in the larger group, and y be the number of chocolate in the fewer group.
from the above, we can have :
x+y=45 ---(1)
5y-3x=1 ---(2)

from (1) :
x = 45-y ---(3)

sub. (3) into (2)
5y-3(45-y) = 1
5y-135+3y = 1
8y = 136
y = 17

when y = 17 , x = 28

so, chocolate is divided into two groups, 28 pieces and 17 pieces.
參考: myself

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