有關HKU Space Life Science

2008-07-15 7:31 pm
本人打算修讀HKU Space Life Science.但我在生物科中的植物學很差,並且修讀有關植物的內容感吃力.所以在此我想問大家在HKU Space Life Science 中Molecular biology and biochemistry同Cell biology and Physiology要唔要讀植物學,例如(植物的運輸作用,植物的支持作用等).本人比較喜歡讀Human Biology.另外PolyU HKCC的Health Studies我亦有報名,唔知Health Studies在non-jupas是否只可選擇nursing,而其他的職業治療或醫療化驗則不能選擇.我聽人講Life Science的non-jupas選擇較Health Studies的為廣闊.其實我希望我將來工作多是圍繞醫療.所以我都不知應修讀Life Science定係 PolyU HKCC Health Studies.希望各位高人指點.謝謝

回答 (2)

2008-07-21 9:20 pm
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Molecular biology and biochemistry同Cell biology and Physiology都應該要讀到plant, 但就比較重photosynthesis多d, 其實plant係biology都係好重要既一環, 所以都要讀~

PolyU HKCC的Health Studies當然唔係淨係可以揀nursing, 但係想讀nursing既人先會讀Health Studies, 而且課程內容都係比較有關nursing, Life Science的non-jupas選擇較Health Studies的為廣闊因為課程內容都係chem呀bio呀, 唔係為某一課而設~

職業治療: 其實呢個programme其本上唔收non-jupas, 除非你好好好出色la, GPA4分以上可能有D機會, 但4分好難有, 我自己都係ASSO, 我未聽過有人有~

醫療化驗: 我都聽到有人有, 我有2個FD讀SPACE都有, 1個FD讀POLY science都有, 收生要求就lower~

但讀space大多數人都會揀HKU, 出路闊d, 理工d課程就專業d, 做專業人士
參考: me
2008-07-19 3:48 am
Aluminium is a fairly expensive (more expensive than iron cans) and valuable metal. People tend to pick up used aluminium cans and sell them for recycling.

2. Aluminium is easily recycled, just melt and reform. Iron cans are usually coated with tin (to avoid rusting), so they are more difficult to be recycled because removing tin from the cans are difficult.

3. Aluminium is light weight. Transporting aluminium canned drinks from place to place is saving fuels. Transporting heavier cans (e.g. iron cans) consumes more energy and fuels.

4. Because of the protective aluminium oxide on the surface, aluminium cans are generally chemically inert to air and water attacks. The cans can be kept in good conditions even they are placed in a poor environment (e.g. high humidity and hot weather). If iron cans are put in a humid and hot environment, the cans will rust and the beverage inside will be contaminated by the iron oxides, or the cans will be damaged and the beverage inside will contact with the outside environment and rot.

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