can u improve this sentence?

2008-07-15 1:04 pm
In a loan, after you borrow money, you have to repay the money that you have borrowed and the monthly interests.

回答 (5)

2008-07-15 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For a loan, you have to repay the principal and the interests upon it's due day.
The word "principal" can replace the phrase "the money that you have borrowed".
For a loan, there should be a due day for repayment, therefore interests shall be incurred. As such, I add the criteria of "upon it's due day"
2008-07-15 5:26 pm
A loan is the sum of money you borrow from someone. You have to repay the money plus monthly interest.
Interet is an uncountable noun here.
2008-07-15 3:12 pm
For the money you have borrowed, you have to repay both the principal and the monthly interests.

principal 本金
2008-07-15 1:34 pm
After you borrowed a loan, you have to repay the money with the interests that you have borrowed.

Just my opinion!
參考: myself
2008-07-15 1:12 pm
the sentence is just fine

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