english grammar!!help

2008-07-15 4:37 am
a.i met my auntie in Mong Kok
b. i went to Mong Kok and met my auntie

a and b在意思上有沒有分別??

回答 (2)

2008-07-15 5:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a tells people that (1) you met your auntie. (2) It was in Mongkok.

b tells people that (1) You went to Mongkok. (2) You met your auntie there.

The difference is (a) does not have the meaning of 'went to Mongkok'. You could be in Mongkok all the time.

If you say "I went to Mong Kok to meet my auntie", it means that you went to Mongkok for the purpose of meeting your auntie. We dont know whether you did or did not meet your auntie.

Hope it helps.
2008-07-17 4:14 am
a. I met my auntie in Mongkok.
It means you met your auntie and the place was Mongkok.

b.I went to Mongkok and met my auntie.
It means you went to Mongkok and met your auntie there.

The difference between a and b is that b indicates 'you went to Mongkok' and meet your auntie, but a is that you met your auntie in Mongkok ocassionally.

Hope I may help you.

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