你可以 用你枝 生花妙筆 把 這篇英文 譯成 中文嗎 ?

2008-07-15 1:21 am
I don't deplore the years of my spring,
Where dreams and life were never in connection.
I don't deplore the nights' mysterious ring,
Sang by a lyre in a fiery passion.
I don't deplore the false and faithless friends,
The wreaths of feasts, the bowls of the parties,
I don't deplore the beautiful adulteries
A thoughtful stranger, I avoid these trends.
But where's the time of gentle inclination,
Of hearty silence and young hopes' strings ?
Where are the flame and tears of inspiration ?
Come back again, the years of my spring !

回答 (1)

2008-07-16 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't deplore the years of my spring,我不痛惜我的青蔥歲月,
Where dreams and life were never in connection.在那裡,夢想和生活永遠接不上軌。
I don't deplore the nights' mysterious ring,我不痛惜夜間神秘的鈴聲,
Sang by a lyre in a fiery passion.由七弦琴以火熱的激情伴唱著。
I don't deplore the false and faithless friends我不痛惜虛假和不忠的朋輩、
The wreaths of feasts, the bowls of the parties宴會中的花環,和聚會中的滾球遊戲。

2008-07-16 01:00:55 補充:
I don't deplore the beautiful adulteries 我不痛惜那美麗的姦情.......
A thoughtful stranger, I avoid these trends.一個體貼的陌生人.....我逃避這些潮流。

2008-07-16 01:04:05 補充:
But where's the time of gentle inclination,但是,那裡有時刻,是溫柔的意願、

Of hearty silence and young hopes' strings ?誠懇的沈默和連串青春的盼望?

2008-07-16 01:05:46 補充:
Where are the flame and tears of inspiration ?那裡有來自靈感的熱情和眼淚?
Come back again, the years of my spring !回來吧!我的青蔥歲月!

2008-07-16 01:12:01 補充:

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