Special curve

2008-07-15 12:27 am
State, if any, a function of a curve which is:

Continuous at every point
NOT differentiable at every point
for all values within its domain.
In case of no such curve found, please provide a proof on it.

回答 (3)

2008-07-24 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Weierstrass Function is contiuous but not differentiable at anywhere.
is one example where ab > 1 + 3pi/2

is another where a > 3
2008-07-16 8:18 am
那便cts at everywhere and因為尖端位而not differentiable at everywhere.^_^
2008-07-15 12:47 am
A function is an equation in which one domain gives one and only one answer.
For the equation
{f(x)=(x^2-n^2)/(x-n) all x except x=1
{f(x)=n x=n
This is a function as one domain gives one and only one answer.
And this function is continuous as when drawing the curve, there is no 'holes' at the curve.
However, this curve is not differentiable at the point x=n as the limit at x=n does not exist.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 17:21:21
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