英文題 ”唔好活係自己個世界度” 英文應該點講???

2008-07-14 8:28 pm
請問 唔好活係自己個世界度 英文應該點講???

please dun live alone?? <----用live??? 請指教! 謝!

thanks for your reply! (問多個呀, 你未reply我 我就thanks你, 係英文黎講會唔會唔通??)

thank you of your help! (又係未help都假定人地會help你, 我咁打又得唔得???)

thank you so much!

好快呀謝謝你!~ 我會寫在我的簿仔度!~ THANKS!


咁想加多句問下 in advance係咪放係邊都得??? thank you IN ADVANCE for your help or; thank you for your help IN ADVANCE 意思係咪都係一樣???

回答 (3)

2008-07-14 10:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
please dun live alone?? <----用live??? 請指教! 謝!
唔好活係自己個世界度=Please don't live in your own world!

thanks for your reply! (問多個呀, 你未reply我 我就thanks你, 係英文黎講會唔會唔通??)
如果reply左應該係-Thank you for your reply! 如果係未reply-Thank you for your reply in advance!

thank you of your help! (又係未help都假定人地會help你, 我咁打又得唔得???)
應該係-Thank you for your help!如果係未help Thank you in advance for your help!

I hope this can help you!

2008-07-14 14:35:39 補充:
sorry 001 唔會用Thanking
參考: myself
2008-07-14 10:44 pm
I'll say,"Don't just live in your own fantasy world."

fantasy world係類似d乜野幻想世界之類

不過我覺得.... 如果thank in advance好怪...
人地未reply你, 最好唔好thank定人地=.="""
thanks for your help都okay, 但係reply真係有d怪=_=""
2008-07-14 10:15 pm
Dontever live in your own (small) world.

thanks for your reply! (問多個呀, 你未reply我 我就thanks你, 係英文黎講會唔會唔通??)
Thanking you in advance for your reply.

Thank you of your help! (又係未help都假定人地會help你, 我咁打又得唔得???)
Thanks a lot for your help.

上開都是由你的語句轉過來的較正宗英文, 希望幫到你.
參考: Own

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