請幫忙翻譯成英文信, thx!!

2008-07-14 7:21 pm
很高興聽到你說你喜愛看亞洲的電影, 我也是十分喜歡看電影的, 但可能是因為我們身處的國家不同的關係, 我反而會喜愛看外國的電影, 甚至電影劇.
告訴你一件事情, 其實在我上一份工作, 也是我前5年的時期, 其實的是一間video shop的分店主管, 每天對著不同種型國籍的電影, 所以我對電影的認識很深啊
有那位亞洲演員你是較欣賞的嗎? 或是, 有那套亞洲電影你看過是最深刻的嗎?

我也很喜歡去旅行, 上個月我剛從台灣回來了, 這已是我第3次去這個地方了, 不知道為何我總是很喜歡這個城市, 可能是因為我現在在職的公司, 其實公司總部是在台灣啊, 而我已在這香港分公司工作一年多了, 所以基本上每天我也會與一大堆台灣的客戶與台灣當地的同事聯繫啊, 所以久而久之變得熟悉了那些人的生活模式.

這個暑假, 我還沒有甚麼計劃啊, 都應該只是在上班吧,
不過在11月份的時候, 應該會與朋友計劃去日本北海道啊, 因為是第一次去, 所以都很期待啊.

其實我也一樣很喜愛音樂的, 我從小已經有學鋼琴了, 自我6歲的時候便可以學習它了, 中學時間還參加了不少鋼琴比賽啊

你會喜愛水上活動嗎? 一到夏天我就想這些了, 一些水上活動的也是很喜歡, 只是在香港的範圍內, 可以玩5的水上活動不多, 有些小失望


回答 (4)

2008-07-15 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Very glad to hear you say that you look at Asia's favorite movie, I am also very much like to watch movies, but probably because we live in different countries of the relationship between the contrary, I would like to see foreign films, even photoplay.
Tell you one thing, in fact, in my last job, I am also a period of five years ago, in fact, is a video shop in charge of the branch a day in front of the nationality of different kinds of movies, so I am aware of the film Deep-ah
Asian actors who have the more you appreciate it »or,那套Asian films you have seen is the most profound?»

I would also like to travel, Taiwan last month, I had just come back, this is my first three times to this place, do not know why I always liked this city, it may be because I now serving the company, in fact, the company's total Ministry is in Taiwan, ah, and I have been working in this branch in Hong Kong for more than a year, so basically every day and I will be a lot of Taiwan's local customers and colleagues in Taiwan ties, ah, so the course of time become familiar with those who Lifestyle.

This summer, I do not have any plans, ah, should only work in the bar,
But in November, it should be with friends plan to Hokkaido, Japan, ah, because this is the first time to, ah are looking forward to.

In fact, I also like very favorite music, I have been learning piano from a young age, when self-six-year-old can learn it, the schools also participated in a lot of time Piano Competition ah

You will enjoy water sports? «A summer I would like these, some water sports activities is also very like it, just in Hong Kong within the framework of the five can play water sports small, some small disappointment

Look forward to your reply
2008-07-15 12:12 am
Very happily hears to you to say you like looked Asian the movie, I
also am extremely like watching the movie, but possibly is because of
our body place country different relations, I instead can like look at
foreign the movie, even movie play Tells you a matter, actually on me
a work, also is I previous 5 years time, actual is a video shop branch
store manager, every day to not homogeneous nationality movie,
therefore I very deep have that Asian actors to the movie
understanding you am comparatively appreciate? Perhaps, has that set
of Asian movie you to look is most profound?

I also very much like travelling, previous month I just came back from
Taiwan, this already was I 3rd time goes to this place, did not know
why I always very much do like this city, possibly is because of me
now in office company, actually the base company is in Taiwan, but I
have worked for more than a year in this Hong Kong subsidiary company,
therefore basically I also can every day relate with a big pile of
Taiwan's customer and the Taiwan locality colleague, therefore
gradually changed has been familiar with these people's mode of life

This summer vacation, I do not have no plan, all should only be is
going to work, but in November time, should meet and the friend plans
the Japanese Hokkaido, because is first time goes, therefore all very
much anticipates

Actually I also equally very much like the music, I already had since
childhood learn to play the piano, self- 6 year-old time then was
allowed to learn from it, the middle school time also attended many
pianos competition

You can like the aquatic activity? One to the summer I thought
these, some aquatic activities also were like very much, was only in
Hong Kong's scope,May play 5 aquatic activities not to be many, some small

Anticipates your reply
2008-07-14 8:38 pm
從信的內容看,應該是informal letter,故我以informal lang.寫吧

How glad it is to hear that you love watching Asian movies ---- me too!But
maybe owing to the reason that we live in different countries,I prefer watching
foreign movies, or even the kind of dramas.

Tell you something. In fact, my previous job in five years ago is a manager in charge of different movies made in different countries, that's why I have an
excellent knowledge in movies. Have you any Asian actor or actress that
impress you? Or any movies you have always been remembering?

I also love travelling. I went to Taiwan,where I have already been to three
times, last month. I dunno why I like this country so much, perhaps it is
because the headquarter of my present company is located at Taiwan and I
have been in Hong Kong branch company for more than one year such that I
keep relating with Taiwanese customers and colleagues in Taiwan and
gradually know their daily habits.

I still have no ideas about plans in this summer holiday. Probably keep on
working only, I think. However, I should go to 北海道(不知英文係咩,你自己上網找找吧)in Japan and my neck has been stretching for this trip
since this is my first trip to there.

And I enjoy musics also in that I have learned to play the piano since I was
six, and won loads of prizes when I was a secondary student.

Do you love playing water sports? I immediately think of those when the
summer approach and fancy some of them. It is a bit disappointing that not
many can be played in Hong Kong region though.

Looking forward to your quick reply. ^ ^

其實你這封中文信也有很多隨意墊字呢,太多 ”啊”了,標點停頓也不太妥當,亦須注意哩.

2008-07-14 12:44:50 補充:
想問樓上那位, 我的英文底唔好,可唔可以請教下你 :

我只係睇咗頭果句,但真的不太不明白Hears you to say 的grammar對的嗎?
I also am like watching the movie extremely 好似應該also like?因
like已是verb呀,加am 好像不對吧.

2008-07-14 12:45:03 補充:
because we place the national different relations, I instead can like look at foreign the movie, even electricity stage and screen. 咩係 ”place ...relations”? ”instead...
movie”? 還有咩係 ”electricity stage and
screen” ?

請教一下我 ~ thx

2008-07-14 12:48:48 補充:
Have you any Asian actor or actress that
impress you?   只限英式grammar,而不適用於美式架.
2008-07-14 8:13 pm
Hears you to say very happily you like looked Asia's movie, I also am like watching the movie extremely, but possibly is because we place the national different relations, I instead can like look at foreign the movie, even electricity stage and screen. Tells you a matter, on it really me a work, also is I previous 5 years time, actual is a video shop branch store manager, every day is treating the different kind of nationality movie, therefore I very am deep to the movie understanding have that Asian actors you am appreciate? Perhaps, has that set of Asian movie you to look is most profound? I also very much like travelling, the previous month I just came back from Taiwan, this already was I 3rd time goes to this place, did not know why I always very much do like this city, possibly is because of me now in office company, actually the base company is in Taiwan, but I have worked for more than a year in this Hong Kong Subsidiary company, therefore basically I also can every day relate with a big pile of Taiwan's customer and the Taiwan locality colleague, therefore gradually became has been familiar with these person's mode of life. This summer vacation, I do not have what plan, all should only be is going to work, but in November time, should meet and the friend plans the Japanese Hokkaido, because is the first time goes, therefore all very much anticipates. Actually I also equally very much like music, I already had since childhood learn to play the piano, self-6 year-old time then might learn from it, the middle school time also participated in many piano competition you to be able to like the aquatic activity? One to the summer I thought these, some aquatic activities also were like very much, was only in Hong Kong's scope, might play 5 aquatic activities not to be many, somewhat small anticipated your reply disappointedly.

參考: 自己找

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