A. Maths新人..唔該幫幫

2008-07-14 7:08 pm
岩岩開始讀A. Maths..覺得好難..........
果d咩mathematical induction其實係做緊d乜.

回答 (2)

2008-07-14 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
mathematical induction係一個用相對簡單的做法,證明對於命題,所有正整數皆成立的方法..



2.假設命題在n=k時成立, 證明它在n=k+1時也成立


解釋: 當步驟1,2 做完以後,由於命題在n=1時成立,而當n=k=1成立,n=k+1=2亦成立,n= (k+1)+1 =3 也成立.......n= 4,5,6....78,79......100000000,199990000000000000....都成立>>> 並無限延伸...



2008-07-14 11:45:30 補充:
有時未必由n=1做起,可能由n=2or n=3開始,按命題而定.
參考: 讀完amaths
2008-07-14 7:38 pm
The purpose of MI is to prove a mathematical expression is true for all positive integer of n( that is why you see n in the expression).
Step 1 : To check that the expression is true for n=1, n=2 etc. If this is true, then
Step 2: Assume the expression is true for any value of n=k (that is the purpose of k). Then, the most important part of the problem is
Step 3: Prove that the expression is also true when n= k+1. That is when replacing k in step 2 by (k+1) is still true. That is when adding one more term to the expression of n=k you still come to the expression for (k+1).

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