翻譯...- - +少少grammar~ (20分)

2008-07-14 2:05 pm
Some of the thinking has focused on 'more of the same' but some has been bolder, envisaging Hong Kong as a 'world-class city', perhaps one of two in the region, joining others in the international arena such as London and New York.

呢句野成句係咩意思...?? 唔好用翻譯器..唔該!!

Some of the thinking同埋Some thinking...係咪無分別??(指meaning上)

另外....好似呢句咁多逗號既英文句子.....點樣去分果句野其實係形容緊邊個object (or subject)...?? 如果可以既就詳細少少><""

仲有...有陣時睇到d 隻隻字明但成個phrase就唔明既expression...點算??如似呢段既「'more of the same' 」...真係唔係好知想講乜....


回答 (2)

2008-07-16 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
1.Some of 同 some 意思一樣。
Some of the thinking has focused on 'more of the same' but some has been bolder, envisaging Hong Kong as a 'world-class city', perhaps one of two in the region, joining others in the international arena such as London and New York.
即係話全部都係講呢個 some (people)。可以咁睇,其實o個句係 some has been bolder,本身冇一個 object,所以再加入去補充o既,都只係講個 subject。至於 perhaps one of the two region 則只係補充 a world-class city。
3.more of the same 其實唔難解,只係呢段其實冇清楚講出 the same 乜野。我估係指一d發展計劃或者方向,咁 the same 就係現有o既方向,more of the same 就係繼續o係原有方向發展。
2008-07-14 5:29 pm
一些思想的重點是'更多相同的' ,但有些已大膽的,設想香港作為一個世界級的城市,也許一兩年在該地區,加入其他在國際舞台上如倫敦和新紐約。

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