
2008-07-14 7:40 am
本人英文很差, 想學好d英文,
但係好多生字唔識讀, 好容易唔記得, 好灰心同好快放棄,

回答 (4)

2008-07-14 8:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
i think you can try to read more books,
listen to english songs,
watch some english movie,
watch the english news!
and also i think that you can try to
buy some excises to work on!
it really helps a lot^^
add oil!!~
if you have any words that you don't understand
or don't know how to read,
you can use the yahoo dictionary,
it can read out the word for you~~
參考: me
2008-07-21 1:00 am
你可以一個一個記下來!!!  不過小朋友就會一個一個寫十次!   你唔係蠢,係你想不到如何記下來!!!  我都係這樣啦!!!  
參考: yahoo問題回答組
2008-07-14 8:14 am
2008-07-14 7:47 am
參考: 我自己

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